Our Breeding Philosophy
As a first generation operation, we are acutely aware of managing input costs and cow productivity. We rely on a cow base who can graze Southeastern forages 300 days a year and utilize available local resources. Our cowherd consists of purebred Angus and Angus-based commercial females. They receive the same treatment and expectations. The cowherd is the engine of a profitable operation.
We cull hard. We started our commercial cowherd by developing heifers under heavy selection pressure. We retain our heifer crop each year and continue raising the bar for fertility, phenotype, and practical management traits. Our heifers have to meet our standards without pumping tons of inputs into them. The resulting females turn into easy-breeding, reliable cows who have been developed for the long haul.
Our cowherd reliably maintains a short calving window which helps us from a labor standpoint. Like many of our commercial customers, we are limited by labor resources and fertile, well-mannered, maternal cows are our best employees.
We base bull selection and breeding decisions with our necessities in mind - put simply, we cannot risk the gamble of chasing extremes or fads. We utilize proven pedigrees in our breeding decisions. We also recognize that EPDs play a role in decision making, and we seek out balanced trait genetic profiles.
We understand that goals vary by operations. We feel that a cowherd with reliable fundamentals offers mating flexibilities for the many different goals of our customers.